Photographer James Nachtwey (shown at right) was one of three people awarded TED prizes last Thursday, along with former US President Bill Clinton and sociobiologist E.O. Wilson.
Mark Frauenfelder is reporting from the event for Boing Boing and he filed this report:
Three people were awarded TED prizes today: Bill Clinton, sociobiologist E.O. Wilson, and photographer James Nachtwey, who specializes in capturing startling and disturbing, yet moving and beautiful images of people whose lives have been destroyed by the hatred and greed of other people. As Nachtwey spoke, his photographs were displayed on a large screen behind him. No one made a sound as the images of maimed, starved, tortured, and slaughtered people were put on display. The final photo he showed stunned everyone -- a skeletal man, crawling phttp://www2.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifast a dilapidated hut. Here's the image, be warned that it's very powerful.)
When E.O. Wilson accepted his award after Nachtwey left the stage, he remarked, "I am subdued by James Nachtwey's presentation."
Here's a portfolio of Nachtwey's work: Link. And here's a video about the three TED prize winners for 2007.
Technorati Tag: TED James Nachtwey
Great Post! Wow....
I looked at his website - pretty moving stuff. The link to the photo you talk about doesn't work on any of the computers I've tried it from though. Can you post/sent the address again?
Thanks for noticing the link. I've fixed it now. Not sure what the problem was, but it's working again.
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