You may have already come across this T-Mobile TV Spot, but I hadn't seen it before. It's a great piece of theatre - all designed to look spontaneous.
There's a really interesting backstory to the making of the commercial, which you can find here. I read the backstory first, then tracked down a copy of the video and watched it. I'm not sure which order is the better way to do it. I don't think it matters.
I loved the way that the dancers involved the bystanders. I'm not sure how I'd react if I was a part of it, but I suspect I'd enjoy it.
Here's the link to the video clip.
And here's the link to the story in Boards magazine.
You'll enjoy this.
UPDATE - If you were having any trouble with the links above, I found a copy of the commercial on YouTube. You can view it below. Click on the HQ button at the bottom for the best quality.
Thanks for sharing! I had seen the video but not the backstory; you are right, I don't think it matters in which order you see them. What fun!
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