Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday fun for June 15, 2007

More fun pictures

Remember those statue pictures from a few weeks ago? Well, here's some pics along a similar line, except these ones are made of sand...

Here's the link

The geek rules for movie-making

You've probably noticed that sometimes things happen in movies in ways that don't match up with reality. But you might not realize that there is a strict code of conduct for how those movie events have to happen. Fortunately for the world, there are geeks out there who care about these things. And they've taken the time to write down those rules so that the rest of us can keep up.

Here's the link

Tyson the Skateboarding Bulldog

Remember that YouTube video of a skateboarding dog? Well, it turns out he has a name - Tyson - and now he's got his own website. Check it out for yourself. And watch the videos. I can hardly believe the dog is for real, but it sure looks that way.

Here's the link.

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