Heck, even Matthew Ingram (not the biggest Apple fan in the world) wants one.
I'm in the market for a new phone and I've been thinking about getting a smart phone, like my wife's Treo. But I decided to hold off, just in case all the hype about the new Apple phone turned out to be true.
Now it looks like waiting was a good idea. If you haven't seen this new wonder, or want to know a bit more about it, check out the details on the Apple site.
Or you can follow some of the action in the blogosphere, using Technorati. Here's the results of a search for the Iphone tag in blog posts. But be prepared...the count right now is 2788 posts in English (and rising every minute, it seems.)
The world seems impressed, so far. The stock market gave Apple's shares a big boost, while punishing other cell phone makers, who are expected to be forced to redesign their current offerings just to catch up.
Apple has a history (as Steve Jobs told us in his keynote on Tuesday) of coming up with products that redefine an entire sector, like the original Mac and the Ipod. Looks like they might have done it again with this gadget.
One downer note about all this. It'll probably be months - or years - before we are able to get one in Canada. But hey, I'm not that far from Washington State...maybe I can just catch a ferry...
They certainly got Cisco's attention....
I just looked at the demo...how do I get one?
Darryl again.......
I looked at the demo too. The phone really is ridiculously gorgeous. By the way, did you know that Stanford, California (where the Windemere Cup is held) is only 23 miles from San Francisco (where Mac World has the iPhone on display)? Perhaps a little side trip will be in order when you and Mom head down for Kelly's regatta...
To help make your long wait for the iPhone a little easier, try this link: http://pipsguy.vox.com/library/post/apple-iphone-papercraft-model.html
Thanks for the link, Jaime. Nice idea, but I just might hold out for the real thing, although it looks like I'll be waiting for awhile.
Nice to see the comments...it's been quiet here lately.
check out this story in the globe on the luddite designer
who is the magic behind this stuff
It always comes down to design!
May 22nd!! And Jaime's got a very good idea about California! Even more incentive to see your youngest! It's a pretty awesome looking phone! I bet they've got a GREAT long distance plan ;)!!
I knew that design story would appeal to you, Darryl. It is a great story. That guys is already a legend, isn't he?
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