Sunday, February 23, 2025

Turns out that Biden did win the 2020 US Election

I know I haven't posted anything here in a long real reason except that my life sort of went off the rails a long time ago and it's been a long road back. But I continue and today I decided that maybe I'd start writing about things in my life and the world and whatever. As my tag line for this original blog suggests... 

So when I opened this copy of Blogger (remember that) to put up a new post (my first since 2015) I found that back in 2023, I had intended to resurrect this blog. Seems ironic that this is what was going on then as I try to again start adding my thoughts on today's news... I wonder what the AI would tell me if I asked it today about the same election?

So, stay tuned. I hope to adding more thoughts here in the days ahead...but who knows. I thought that 10 years ago too...
....(Written but not published on Dec 14, 2023)...

Today, I saw that someone had asked OpenAI whether Biden had won the 2020 election in the US. Turns out, he did!